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Bonnie Keathley

Bonnie Keathley has enjoyed 38 years with the love of her life, traveling the country supporting her husbands art career and sharing adventures together. Along the way, she had the privilege of home schooling two of her favorite people whom she deeply admires. As the kids grew older she decided to pursue her interest in counseling, and on that journey, she attended a conference teaching TPM (Transformation Prayer Ministry). The experience was so freeing and life changing that it quickly became her passion.


Her journey began with Serenity Retreat in Houston, Tx. For 17 years she has pursued training, volunteering and teaching at Serenity, Vance prison ministry, and in her home town. She is continually amazed at the Love and Grace God pours out for every individual. She hasn't found a topic or issue yet that God wasn't able to supply peace and grace to bring true freedom from emotional pain as He renews our mind and purifies our faith. He truly is the wonderful counselor!

From the very beginning of our life our brain begins to gather and store information. It gathers from what we learn intellectually via teachers, books, etc. and from what we learn from our life experiences like car wrecks, betrayals, loss, abuse, abandonment, achievements, victories, etc. Our experiences are not just memories that lie dormant – they hold information that our brain is constantly assessing to help us navigate throughout life or interpret our current circumstances which in turn affects the choices we make, the paths we take, and the level of peace we have.

Transformation Prayer Ministry (TPM) Explained.

Call to Schedule with Bonnie:   361.935.8910

TPM Walk Through


On her own physical healing journey she was introduced to EVOX. EVOX is a perception reframing tool that assists and supports emotional health. It identifies the unbalanced energy in your voice related to a specific topic, and then sends energetic information to the body to help re-balance that energy. The process of reading the voice and processing information is repeated several times throughout the session. As missing information is incorporated, the voice pattern will change and the perception will be reframed. Perception reframing can lead to new ways of seeing things, more options for dealing with life, and improved realities.


Evox is a way to help relieve life's stresses and facilitate emotional balance. Evox sessions are done using a voice recognition biofeedback/bio-communication software program for perception re-framing that helps to release emotional congestion, stuck emotions, and gain mental clarity. We often store toxic emotions in our body and Evox can help us detox those emotions. The software listens to your voice which carries identifiable frequencies that convey your emotional condition. You often do not hear the subtle differences, but the Evox software can. It then sends the bio-communication frequencies your body needs to help clear out the congestion and emotional blockages. Evox sessions can expand the blinders of your perceptions so you can see things you haven't been able to in the past and see a bigger picture. As we go through life, we have experiences and stresses that create congestion in our neuro-pathways, or our thinking. If we relate that congestion to traffic congestion we can think of it like this. As we start out, we have many lanes of traffic open and traffic flows easily. As there is more congestion the lanes begin narrow, often down to just one lane. We can still think, but all we can see is that one skinny lane in front of us. As we do an Evox session, the biofeedback helps us to balance and release that congestion, giving us more lanes that open back up in our thinking. This allows us to see clearer and make new choices and brings our body and mind more into balance. In a session you will be having a back and forth conversation with pauses in between as the software program sends the balancing frequencies to your body as you think about the topic, event or person of which you are speaking. This process is repeated several times. The software program tracks a 10 second slice of your voice and converts it into a perception index (PI). This PI shows the energy pattern of your voice. It shows information that is present and information that is missing. The PI is divided into 12 zones, allowing you to identify and consider potential blockages. As the balancing information is incorporated the voice pattern will eventually change. These changes will be recognized by the software and then revealed in the PI. A significant change in pattern or shift is an indication that the topic has been reframed and you are in a releasing pattern. Perception reframing can lead to new ways of seeing things or more options for dealing with life and improved realities. Disclaimer: The ZYTO Hand Cradle has been cleared by the FDA for the measurement of galvanic skin response. ZYTO software has not undergone FDA review for effectiveness. ZYTO technologies are not intended to be used in the diagnosis, care, treatment, mitigation, or prevention of any disease or medical condition. The diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions should only be undertaken by qualified medical professionals. ZYTO professional software provides general wellness information and should not be used without the involvement of a licensed healthcare professional. ZYTO products have not been the subject of controlled clinical trials to establish their effectiveness and their use is not a generally accepted medical practice by the traditional medical establishment. If you have any questions regarding ZYTO technology or our products please contact us at


Final Thoughts

We all know that our thoughts and feelings can have a powerful impact on our health. Oftentimes, the key to becoming healthier physically has to do with our perceptions and attitudes. Relief from emotional pain and the stresses that burden and weigh us down is possible. I wish you joy, peace, freedom and wellness!

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